Wednesday, April 12, 2017


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Pas Nyepi adik sudah bilang kalo kemungkinan akhir pekan ini saya diajak ke buleleng ngukur sungai, jalan dan bukit di daerah Gerokgak, Buleleng.  dalam rangka pembuatan taman di daerah pura Kerta Kawat. Cuman masalahnya ngasi jadwal pastinya mendadak.

Jumat sore sepulang saya kerja adik nelpun ngajak langsung berangkat malam itu juga ke rumah kami di Buleleng yang dekat dengan lokasi pengukuran. Saya prepare seadanya. Karena buru - buru, tentu saja banyak yang kelupaan. Daleman kurang, baju lengan panjang gak bawa, celana panjang cuma bawa satu padahal disana selama 3 hari.

Tanpa baju lengan panjang, balik ke Denpasar sudah ada pola jam di pergelangan tangan saya. Selama 2 hari di lapangan saya memakai sepatu basah dan celana kotor terendam lumpur karena hari pertama nyemplung sungai dan hari kedua ga ada celana ganti. Cuma baju aja yang ganti, tapi sama - sama bukan baju lengan panjang.

Gak pake baju lengan panjang, artinya siap jadi santapan nyamuk. Di hari pertama masih aman. Pak Ketut, orang lokal yang jadi tim kami ketika itu, membawa obat anti nyamuk. Besoknya yang kacau. Baru saja sebentar masuk hutan, badan saya sudah ada belasan bentol gigitan nyamuk. Ini akibat saya nekat ga minta obat lagi ke pak Ketut.

Jika kalian pernah lihat petugas ngukur tanah, seperti itulah yang saya lakukan. Adik saya jadi komandannya yang menembakkan laser, saya dan pak Ketut bawa tongkat kaca prisma yang jadi target laser.

Saya sudah diajak beberapa kali ngukur sama adik. Karena ikut dalam proyeknya adik, saya dan adik yang tidak terlalu sering komunikasi, jadi lebih dekat. Diajak ngukur itu enak. Yang ga enaknya adalah ketika selesai ngukur. Adik selalu nawarin saya untuk beljar nyopir. Dia jadi gurunya.

Adik saya tipe guru yang galak, Saya tipe murid bermental tempe, gak kuat dibentak. Saya segan untuk menolak tawaran latihan darinya, takut dia jadi trauma untuk menawari saya latihan lagi. Tapi saya merasa semakin saya dikerasin, otak saya makin membatu. Gak bisa berkembang.

Tidak ada guru yang tidak baik, dan tidak ada murid yang bodoh. Yang ada hanyalah belum ketemu guru yang cocok.
Adik saya kalo marah itu ngeselin banget. Dan saya kalo makin takut/tegang, malah makin banyak melakukan kesalahan. Di hari pertama saya sudah antisipasi untuk tidak melakukan kesalahan apapun. Semua saya siapin, dan saya berusaha tidak mengulur - ulur waktu. Soalnya waktu itu mood adik saya sudah gak oke akibat hujan dari subuh.

Sebisa mungkin saya menjaga moodnya dia. Masa di hari pertama sudah berantakan?

Satu jam perjalanan berjalan baik - baik saja. Cuaca pun mulai mendukung usaha kami. Peta di GPS menunjukkan kami sudah dekat ke tujuan. Lalu tiba - tiba,"Bli Gede, alat TS (penembak laser)-nya sudah dimasukin belum??"

Feeling saya langsung gak enak. Saya ga berani bilang alatnya ketinggalan. Kemarin alatnya memang kami masukkan ke kamar biar gak hilang. Sialnya pagi ini lupa kami ambil kembali. Padahal alat itu yang utama. Adik saya langsung kumat. Dia berteriak pengen batal saja ngukurnya, dia mengutuk sana - sini (tapi gak langsung marah ke saya atas dasar sungkan kepada kakaknya). Tapi tetep aja situasi jadi ga enak. mana mata saya mendadak ngantuk. Tanpa sengaja di jalan kembali ke rumah ngambil alat saya malah ketiduran. Ada untungnya juga saya ketiduran, bangun - bangun adik saya sudah diem.

Tapi tetep masih ada perasaan gak enak. Pas mau balik lagi ke lokasi setelah alatnya kami ambil di rumah, jalanan semakin ramai, di beberapa titik malah macet karena ada upacara adat.

Syukurnya Tuhan masih sayang kepada saya. Di setengah hari setelah itu pengukuran berjalan lancar, enjoy, dan happy. Setidaknya di hari pertama kami disitu menjadi akhir yang bahagia.

Karena nginepnya di Buleleng, di kampung tempat keluarga besar kami tinggal, itu artinya pulang dari pengukuran kami ga bisa langsung istirahat. Maunya sih gak silaturahmi ke keluarga besar, tapi paman (sepupu bapak) dan istrinya melihat kami di jalan, Jadinya gak enak kalo gak mampir. Terlebih lagi di rumah kami sendiri di kampung ditinggali oleh paman (adiknya Bapak) kami. Adik kami berhasil 'kabur' dari percakapan bersama paman dan keluarganya, karena paman dan bibi sudah menyadari adik saya lagi stres hapenya gak dapet sinyal.

Padahal baru jam 10, tapi rasanya ngantuk banget diajak ngobrol sama paman, bibi ipar, dan sepupu saya. Setengah jam kemudian barulah mereka pergi ke kamar masing - masing karena hendak tidur. Dan saya sendiri masih maen game sampai jam 11. Sedangkan adik saya masih stres karena hapenya gak dapet sinyal internet. Pokoknya kalo adik saya lagi gak dalam mood yang baik, adalah siksaan untuk saya, karena suasana jadi mencekam.

Terlebih esok sore pas balik ke DPS saya malah menunjukkan jalan yang salah. Bukannya shortcut, tapi medan yang sulit. Ditambah saya diminta belajar nyopir. Lengkap sudah kombinasi rasa bersalah dan ga enak + dikerasin dan merasa jadi manusia paling gak berguna karena gak bisa - bisa nyetir.

Nyampe kos, melihat kasur kos, dan sekeliling ruangan, rasanya pengen nangis saking harusnya. Gak pernah saya serindu ini dengan kamar kos setelah 3 hari yang penuh tekanan.


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Sempat gagal dalam usaha sebelumnya dan akhirnya tanpa sengaj nonton Power Rangers, saya kesampaian juga nonton Beauty and the Beast.

Kesan pertama nonton, pembukaannya keren dimana castle ikonnya Disney berubah sedikit menjadi castle the Beast menyesuaikan dengan filmnya.

Disney masih konsisten dalam cinematografi dan efek - efek yang digunakan. Mirip dengan Cinderella atau Alice in Wonderland.

Yang baru saya sadari adalah Beauty and the Beast adalah film musikal. Sepanjang film dipenuhi dengan nyanyi - nyanyi. Kebanyakan nyanyi daripada cerita yang mau disampein. Galau, nyanyi. Sedih, nyanyi. Seneng, nyanyi. Lagi nyanyi, nyanyi.

Saya berasa nonton film India. Minus selendang dan tarian di kebun bunga serta mengitari pohon besar.

Saya bahkan sempat curiga jangan - jangan di akhir cerita saat kutukan pangeran hilang, the Beast bukannya jadi pangeran, tapi jadi Shah Rukh Khan.

Dan isu yang beredar ternyata benar, Beauty and The Beast juga sedikit mengangkat tentang orientasi seksual sesama jenis.Kayanya hollywood memang sedang gencar mengangkat topik ini sebagai kampanye dukungan terhadap LGBT.

Saturday, April 8, 2017


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Sensasi yang berbeda.

Itu yang saya cari ketika menonton film yang diangkat dari kisah nyata, atau dari dongeng. Saya sudah tahu endingnya, tapi rasa penasaran akan pengalaman yang berbeda yang membuat saya tetap ke bioskop. Misalnya saja menonton Beauty and the Beast.

Saya sudah tahu endingnya, Emma Watson sebagai pemeran utama wanita juga tidak terlalu menarik perhatian saya (saya pernah menonton dia di film Colonia dan aktingnya B aja). Kartunnya apalagi, dari TV, VCD, sampai DVD sudah pernah saya tonton. Yang berbeda kali ini adalah kemegahan efek animasi Disney yang ingin saya lihat.

Saya dan Dewi sampai Denpasar Cineplex jam 2 siang. Ketika itu hari jumat, jam kantor saya sampai jam 1, jadi hitungannya saya gak bolos kerja. Selain sama Dewi, Ayu dan Gek Lia mengaku sudah di jalan akan menyusul kami kesana. Tia dan Dian gak jadi ikut. Tia ada acara di rumahnya, sedangkan Dian sakit gigi.

Parkiran Cineplex udah penuh banget. Saya dapet di parkiran dalem, sedangkan Dewi musti muter ke parkiran utara dan di pinggir sekali dari bahu jalan utama. Padahal hari itu bukan hari libur ataupun malam minggu, tapi yang dateng banyak banget.

Saya kira abege-abege Denpasar akan memilih bioskop di Level 21 yang baru buka yang lebih prestise untuk ajang pamer di sosmed. Rupanya dompet mereka ga bisa bohong.

Saking penuhnya, kami kebagian yang jam 7 malem, mundur 4 jam dari jam janjian jam 3 sore. Puas dah saya lihat cabe sampe kering disitu.

Itu pun kami kebagian film Power Rangers! Asli gak enak banget sama Gek Lia dan Ayu. Mereka sudah jauh - jauh dari Bukit Jimbaran, ngebayangin nonton Beauty and the Beast, dapetnya beginian.

Yang pertama datang setelah kami adalah Gek Lia. Dengan wajah lugunya dia mendekati meja kami. Baru duduk sebentar saya langsung minta maaf ke dia soal film yang akan kami tonton. "Power Rangers itu apa?" itu respon pertamanya.


"Serius kamu gak tahu?"

"Tahu kayanya, pas saya TK"

Saya makin merasa bersalah.

Kemudian datanglah Ayu dengan gaya khasnya, terburu - buru, keringetan, dan terengah - engah. Kayanya hidupnya dia gak ada selonya. Saya ke meja sebelah berniat meminta kursi yang tidak ada pemiliknya dan saya kasi ke Ayu. Tapi kata si anak yang jaga, kursinya udah ada orangnya.

Karena gak nemo tempat duduk lagi, dan ibu dari anak tadi udah dateng dan ternyata kursinya masih kosong satu, sekarang gantian Ayu yang minjem, dan si anak ngasi. Buset dah si anak kecil - kecil udah playboy.

Setelah Ayu duduk dengan tenang, saya ajukan permintaan maaf lagi. Kali ini reaksinya Ayuk lebih kalem. Cuma ketawa aja. Ketawa terkejut.

Sampe dalem bioskop perasaan bersalah masih menghantui saya. Makin kepikiran. Tapi saya coba bersikap bodo amat agar tetap bisa menikmati filmnya. Sejujurnya ini adalah film yang saya tunggu - tunggu tahun ini. Daripada Beauty and the Beast, saya prefer nonton Power Rangers. Saya sekuat tenaga menutupi antusias saya, biar gak kelihatan sengaja milih film ini.

Nonton film ini membuat sebahagia apapun masa kecil saya, rasanya masa kecil saya kurang bahagia dan baru terpuaskan di detik itu juga. Pihak pembuat film mencoba sekuat tenaga membuat film ini berbeda dengan serialnya, walau jatuhnya kostum power rangers tampak jadi monster, Alpha juga jadi aneh dengan bola mata yang keluar (padahal dia setengah robot, biarin aja kaya alpha yang dulu), serta Megazord yang kurang megah dan wah.

Kesan senang tapi kecewa ini mirip seperti menonton Dragonball Evolution dan The Last Airbender. Karena animasi atau serialnya sudah penuh action, ekpektasi penonton keduluan tinggi.

Seperti isu yang sudah beredar, yang mengagetkan adalah diangkatnya hubungan sesama jenis dalam film ini. Ranger Kuning punya orientasi lesbian.

Beberapa joke coba diangkat, tapi saya gak begitu nangkep. Mungkin hanya beberapa, salah satunya ketika Zack mengaku (ranger) Black dan disanggah secara polos oleh Billy yang seorang kulit hitam.

Megazord dibuat serealistis mungkin (masing - masing ranger berada di masing - masing tangan, kaki, dan dada Megazord, bukan ngumpul di tengah). Cara jalannya pun gak langsung mulus. Megazord isi acara terjatuh karena kedua kaki melangkah bersamaan. Ini lucu, tapi bener juga.

Sayangnya baik megazord maupun kostum Power Rangers masih kalah sama kostum superhero yang ada robotnya kaya Iron Man, Transformer, bahkan Pasific Rim.

Dan adegan bertarungnya terlalu sedikit, malah lebih menekankan ke 'pesan moral' yang ingin disampaikan dan ditunjukan. Ew

Friday, April 7, 2017


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Saya punya mainan baru.

Dari dulu sudah ada keinginan untuk bikin, cuman ragu. Soalnya insting memotret saya rendah. Saya kurang percaya diri menunjukkan hasil jepretan saya. Tidak seperti blog, mesti tahu tulisan saya jelek, tetep saya upload. :))

Mainan baru saya adalah instagram.

Karena terinspirasi oleh pacar kala itu, yang menjadikan instagram sebagai sarana bercerita mirip catatan sehari - hari, membuat saya setelah hampir 8 tahun ngeblog akhirnya memutuskan membuat akun instagram.

Saya mengira nama saya cukup unik. Setelah saya pilih - pilih nama akun, ternyata udah banyak yang dipakai orang. Bahkan sampai nama saya yang spesifik pun gak bisa saya gunakan. Mengenai nama spesifik ini kayanya karena dulu pas instagram muncul saya sudah sempat bikin akun, yang sekarang saya lupa pasword dan email yang saya gunakan untuk membuatnya.

Butuh waktu yang sangat lama sampai akhirnya ketemu nama yg cocok. Cocok dalam artian gak ada yang pake, dan cocok di hati tentunya.

Dan namanya orang baru bikin akun, sifat alay yang suka gonta - ganti nama akun saya lakukan. Semoga nama yang terakhir ini jadi nama akun terakhir saya. Karena pepatah mengatakan: ambil satu keputusan, dan jangan menyesalinya

Selanjutnya masalah foto yang mau dipublish. Awalnya pengen campur - campur aja mirip tema blog ini. Tentang keseharian dan hal - hal yang menarik perhatian saya. Yang semuanya hasil jepret sendiri. Tapi setelah beberapa postingan saya jadi bosen sendiri. Saya coba posting foto lucu-lucuan, seperti yang saya lakuin di facebook. Setelah beberapa foto, hati kecil menolak publish foto orang lain. Gak orisinal.

Akhirnya saya utamakan untuk posting foto yang saya jepret sendiri, sesekali baru posting foto yang dapet di internet kalo emang bener - bener menarik.

Yang bikin bingung lagi, feed IG mau rapi atau posting semaunya?

Ternyata ngerapihin feed itu susah banget. Selebgram dan orang yang udah lama main IG biasanya melampiaskan hasrat posting foto yang gak sesuai tema di IG story. Saya malah kebalik, saking ga bisa nahan diri, postingan di IG Story (atau lebih dikenal dengan snapgram) malah kebawa ke feed juga. :))

Karena banyak bingungnya, akhirnya saya malah jadi gak terlalu aktif di IG. Postingnya sesekali, kalo ada momen. Gak teratur. Padahal followernya dikit, dan gak ada yang peduli saya mau ngapain di IG saya, tapi saya pusingnya udah kaya selebgram berfolower jutaan. :v

Yang berkenan, silakan cek IG saya di @SKRWN_MADI

Monday, April 3, 2017

Specifications Samsung S8 With Flexible Screen

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Specifications Samsung S8 With Flexible Screen

   May seem strange yes, the Samsung Galaxy S7 recently released to the market. But the reality of rumors about Samsung's next-generation flagship smartphone has begun to circulate. Yes, Samsung Galaxy S8 which is the next generation of S7. Although the Galaxy S7 is still hotly discussed, some large foreign media has begun to speculate mengenasi Samsung Galaxy S7 ranging from the price, features, technical specifications as well as the official release date.
   If Seeing flagship Samsung smartphone hearts make Pattern Track Record, gadget market observer as to what has been predicted that smartphones will become the belle of the Year. Of course, all based Analysis Of Samsung gadgets previous series. Samsung certainly Wish enthusiast, will there A surprise than Just a smart phone. Some of the features Yang predicted would be present in the Galaxy series S7 Turns Still Absent.
   Obviously we will have many who expect all the features promised to be present in the Galaxy S8. Like what concepts that may be carried Galaxy S8 later ?. Well, this time Gaptequ have summarized some Samsung Galaxy S8 related information ranging from pricing, technical specifications, features and official release date.

This She Several Advantages Of The Samsung Galaxy S8 :

1. Screen More Sharp
   The first thing that is expected of genererasi next Samsung smartphone is a sharper display. Currently, Samsung galaxy S7 using technology Super AMOLED screen with qHD resolution comparable.
   Many have speculated, if the Samsung Galaxy S8 will use a sharper screen with higher resolution. When referring to competition from rival vendors, there is likely Samsung will use a screen with a resolution of 4K.
   Although it is invisible, the two kinds of screens have no significant difference. The human eye can be hard to distinguish the screen with high resolution especially those with high pixel density.

2. Camera Home Better
   Galaxy S7 has a primary camera which is better than the previous generation. Despite having a lower resolution, but the ability of the shooting becomes more stable.
   Of course, all supported by hardware and software which have better performance. Because the resolution is not everything, a higher resolution does not guarantee better image quality.
As with the front camera, the Galaxy S7 has a front camera with a resolution of 5MP. That was the standard features and capabilities.
   Going forward, enthusiast Samsung hopes will be an improvement in terms of front camera. As a larger resolution, LED flash support and the ability of optical image stabilization.

3. Internal Memory Size
   If the Samsung Galaxy S7 has an internal memory of 32 GB and 64 GB, then to the Galaxy S8 is expected to provide a more spacious room.
   Although an external memory slot is provided, but it's too stingy if need for space with the operating system.
   Samsung is known to have a strong instinct about user expectations about his new gadget. But it turns out a little bit stingy with internal storage media offered.
   At least, Samsung could as neighboring vendor that offers up to 128 GB of internal memory. Of course, without the need to eliminate the external memory slot.

4. Batteries Lasting Longer
   This is not a problem that the battery capacity into a resource. But rather the ability of the gadgets in the resource efficiency of the battery. Although the Galaxy S7 undergone significant changes in terms of battery performance, but the smartphone can only last a day of normal use.
   As there is no difference between a smartphone entry level and premium class. Which require recharging and survive long enough with the average time which is not much different. Users expect to be able to have a smartphone that can last at least for two days. With a shorter charging, but the 'lifetime' battery is longer. Is that possible?. If you look at the progress of technological gadgets, it is getting closer to reality. And many users expect, they appear on the Galaxy S8.

5. Connector USB Type-C
    As predicted earlier, the Galaxy S7 would likely carry a more complete connectivity. One is the physical connectivity that supports a reversible USB Type-C connector. But it turns out, Samsung is still using legacy connector.
   It is not a significant shortfall. Because the replenishment process has been supporting the Quick Charga. However, for the data connection using a cable, Samsung lagged a step behind. Moreover, in terms of design, micro USB only supports the position of one side only, must not be reversed. While USB Type-C can be inverted, quite easy, especially when his was in a hurry. Many users expect. USB Type-C can be adopted by the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S8.

6. The presence of Iris Scanners and Other New Features
   Iris scanner technology has been a rumor for a long time, and are expected to be present in the Galaxy S7. In fact, the technology is not yet fully ready. It is then expected to perform in the next generation of Samsung smartphone. Or maybe there are other innovations are also expected to be present in Samsung's smartphone. We look forward to its development. Also updates on other features such as flexible screens, the ability of the built-in projector, or perhaps other features unexpected.

Prediction Samsung Galaxy S8 :
   If you look at the competition, Samsung seems to be a bit generous by lowering the price tag. Currently, the country's bamboo curtain made smartphone are becoming more sophisticated. It even offers features that are nearly balanced with premium class smartphone. For high-end smartphone with similar specifications, vendors from China offer price baderol far enough. Even up to half the price, using the same hardware. To that end, the price of Samsung Galaxy S8 is expected to be in the range of US$ 600.

Release Date Samsung Galaxy S8 :
   It is too early to guess when this gadget will start shipping. But if you look at the pattern Samsung's track record, the date of this release can be expected. When referring to the earlier launch of its flagship smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy S8 will be available from the first quarter of 2017. Based on observations in major media in the outcome there, the release date of the Galaxy S8 kan Area is February 27th until March 2nd, 2017.
   Are these guesses will be right or slip away? We do not know, this is all just rumor. This information is summarized from various sources with reference to the existence and credibility of the source in question. And every new rumor, which is still far from official information. Neither specification nor the price of Samsung Galaxy S8, all merely guesses. Because Samsung's own party has not leakage, seepage of the gadgets in the future.

Specifications Apple iPhone 8 Plus With iOS 11

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Specifications Apple iPhone 8 Recent Plus, use IOS 11
     Apple iPhone 8 Plus is the newest product which now has a wide variety of versions of the Apple iPhone 8. In addition, the smartphone Apple iPhone 8 Plus also has the support of a higher quality color variant by applying black color support, golden and gray are more optimal. The smartphone Apple iPhone 8 Plus will release in September 2017 are of a higher quality.

Specifications Apple iPhone 8 Plus With iOS 11 :
     Although the Apple iPhone 8 Plus will release next year, but the smartphone Apple iPhone 8 SIM Nano Plus has the support and there are 2G GSM, 3G HSDPA and 4G LTE are of a higher quality. Not only that, specifications similar to the Apple iPhone 8 which also has a CDMA network card support 2G, 3G and 4G.

     Apple iPhone operating system iOS 8 Plus supports 11 and there is support for Apple A11 chipset with 64 Bit Architecture and M11 Motion Coprocessor better the quality. Processors to be applied in the smartphone has support Quad Core or Octa Core, for smartphone Apple iPhone 8 Plus has not been officially released.
     The internal memory of the Apple iPhone 8 Plus have more quality support to implement over the maximum capacity with three variants: 256GB, 64GB, 128GB are of a higher quality. Smartphone Apple iPhone 8 Plus also implemented support for each support 3GB of RAM memory. Too bad Apple iPhone smartphone 8 Plus does not provide the maximum support.

     The weights contained in the smartphone Apple iPhone 8 Plus has the support of 154 grams over the maximum. While the Apple iPhone 8 Plus also has a proximity sensor, accelerometer, compass, ambient light, gyro, barometer, and the fingerprint for smartphone security of the ignorant.

     Smartphone screen type OLED display type has the support of a full touch screen with Retina Display support, 3D Touch, Display Zoom, Dual Domain Pixels are of a higher quality. Smartphone Apple iPhone 8 Plus has a screen protector Scratch Resistant, oleophobic fingerprint resistant coating with the support of 16 million colors and provide a higher quality.

     The width of the screen on the smartphone Apple iPhone 8 Plus has the support of 5.8 inches and provide more quality support has the support of a resolution of 1080 x 1920 pixels which is the maximum. The density of the screen on Apple iPhone smartphone 8 Plus offers GN 380 pixel size of a higher quality by displaying the maximum image.

     The rear camera that will support dual camera and dual LED flash has the support of a higher quality. As for the front camera or commonly called selfie camera also has not ndiketahui how the resolution that will impose. Features on the Apple iPhone camera 8 Plus will support 5X Optical Zoom with 2160p resolution video at 30fps over the maximum it.

     Another feature included in Apple iPhone smartphone 8 Plus among which WIFI, Bluetooth, GPS, USB with lightning connector are of a higher quality. NFC is also available in the Apple iPhone 8 Plus that will support Apple Pay only. Apple iPhone battery capacity 8 Plus provides Li-Ion type with Non-Removable implement that can not be removed arbitrarily. The price of the Apple iPhone 8 Plus unknown as yet launched its own smartphone.

How to install windows 10 via flash CD DVD

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How to install windows 10 via flash CD DVD

   Hello welcome in Blogger Newbie, on this occasion I will share a little article about how to install Windows 10 using a flash disk or a CD or DVD.
   Windows 10 is a Windows operating system from Microsoft that most new more specifically Windows 10 anniversary edition (zoom can diliat drawn up). excess operating system launched by the company Microsoft is very much at all from pengoprasiannya very easy and popular in the community, features that are given is a myriad of many, his affection operating system should be paid, although at the time of the launch of Windows 10 anniversary distributed free of charge by Microsoft in the official website for several months in 2016 ago.
   Features added updates in windows 10 is very much at all which are : 

  • Start of refunding the start menu button that has previously been dispensed in the previous windows windows 8 and 8.1, where many windows users veteran difficulty to access to other programs which are used by the Windows version ever before who have the start menu button.
  • For updates on windows hello, hello previous windows only when we do the initial boot and was on the menu when the current lockscreen will go to the desktop, but now the update given hello makes windows can be set in order to perform well when we opened the program- application program that we want.
  • The increase in feature Cortana, now in windows 10 there are interesting features Cortana, which is one of the features added in Windows 10 where we can give commands by voice without having to bother us typing on a keyboard or clicking, one of which is to unlock screen , provided we can use Cortana is a pc or computer must be connected to the Internet (online).
  • Then the next feature that ditambahlan is Tablet mode, we can use a PC or a computer is not only as a desktop device but could as well be used into a tablet device especially for notebook user's touch screen features a very important advantage. To turn the tablet mode we simply go to the action center and there is a tablet menu silihkan mode you click.
  • Brings the features of the CLI (command line interface), the windows 10 is primarily anniversary edition has presented the feature CLI (command line interface) where we can type the command line using writing, which usually CLI (command line interface) are generally only used on the Linux operating system only, while for windows using the GUI (Graphic User Interface), this is one of the breakthrough provided by microsoft.
  • Their new selection options appear on the task bar menu, one of which is an option to turn Cortana in the task bar.
  • Tool to read text or text to speech more quickly, so that it can shorten the time required to use this feature one of which is if we use google narrator to read our text.
  • Updates to the Windows notification, the notification in Windows 10 more interesting by presenting notifications on the screen to display a semi-transparent, but it also allows us to access the notification is given without having to leave the project we are doing
  • The additional icons for notifications from any program in the app, such as logo email when email arrives, images flash when flash is inserted, and so on. This is one that makes very interesting Windows 10 interface.
  • Next is the default application program for drawing or design are windows ink, this feature allows the user of windwos 10 can write or draw using your finger on the screen (touch screen), touchpad, mouse, and so on.
  • Replacement of Microsoft's Internet Explorer with the edge, the default browser microsoft windows internet explorer formerly known by the general public which is very slow, has now been updated and renamed Microsoft Edge. Lots of reforms and features added in Microsoft Windows default browser, it looks even now quite modern and attractive, it Salain speed of microsoft word edge is much faster than its predecessor internet explorer.
  • Then there are many updates that were supplied by the anti-virus microsoft windows, ie windows defender. In windows 10, antivirus given default (wundows defender) to be more sensitive terhadapa malware or viruses get into your PC or computer, in addition to the storage device scanning process becomes faster.
  • Etc, many in fact that I have not mentioned: D.
   Things to consider when going to perform the installation:

      First prepare your mental comrades if there are things that are not desirable: v, it will not happen if you follow carefully the following steps:

1. Backup all data you are on a drive other than C or drive other than system instalation. Usually on an existing PC drive partitions. Or it could be more secure in a way backed up using an external hard drive.
2. Prepare .iso file that you can buy at the online sites, or it could be a free version that can be found on the official site
3. Prepare a stick or DVD CD (at least 4GB) to place the bootable or uninstall Windows 10
4. ISO file that you have downloaded can not simply be copied to a flash drive or hard drive, we have to create the bootable .ISO file that can be read in the bios, to create a bootable we could have some additional software one using software rufus.
How to use Rufus: Download and Install rufus, after completion of the installation do not open it first. Kemudain setelaj that you enter stick or DVD blank CD on your PC or your computer, if it is you make sure the flash or DVD CD you empty and already you you enter the next step is before you open the application program rufus you, then automatically the program will detect the flash DVD or CD that you masukan.Setelah input then you find the iso file that you have windows 10, by clicking the yellow existing file, and then click browse where where you save the file iso windows 10. then click start, You wait a few minutes about 10 minutes to prosses bootablenya manufacture finished :D.
5. Langlah next after you finish create a bootable .iso file windowsnya is turn your PC or your computer, wait until it is completely dead.6. Then you make sure if for minimal laptop battery remaining is approximately 70% or can while you charger to avoid betrai discharged during instalasis process, after which you enter the BIOS PC or your computer, you can do by pressing the DEL, ESC, F2 , F8, F12 depending on the system PC buddy, if you do not know you can try one perstau or do an internet search.
7. Furthermore, after you successfully enter the BIOS you have to do is replace the boot prioritiy # 1 to flash or CD DVD that already contains a bootable Windows 10 you. After that you save and exit, after you save and exit the PC or the computer will restart and let the process (PC or computer is reading bootable in the devices we use for the installation).
8. Then, after a PC or a computer we have finished reading the bootable oading It will show the screen windows 10, leave it alone until it appears there are several options, and then you click next next course: D.
9. After that will come a few more choice, direct Kalin just select Install Now.
10. After you click the install there are a few more options emerge that and Custom Upgrade option you choose the custom.
After you choose a custom then there will be windows that ask you to enter the serial number of microsoft windwos that you have (if the windows that you have pirated, you could be searching to find the serial number), or if you feel you do not want to enter serial nummber can you click skip it.
11.Setelah that you will be asked to create a partition on your PC or your computer and then you do like the way the images that appear below to set the partition :
  • No. 1 is the C drive where you have to remember prior to remember the name of the drive to distinguish from the size of your hard drive space capacity. Then you click select.
  • Furthermore, for two and then you click the format if you want to do a clean install or do not jia you do not want all of your files on your PC you ataukomputer lost.
  • Selanutnya you highlight the C drive system that will fill the windows 10.
  • Kemudidan if already you click Next.
12. The next window will appear installation process you wait until the installation is complete (sometime during the installation process PC or computer restarts several times, you leave it alone do not panic ataupu worry) and if completed any PC or computer to restart itself.
13. Once completed you will see several windows such as suggestions to fill the serial number you can skip it. Then if there is written "hwo own this pc" then select "i own it" and then next.
14. When leaving the words "make it yours" you must enter a Microsoft account or if you do not have an account you may also be passed first by selecting the "skip this step".
15. Then you fill in the name of your computer, and your computer password (for password could you Clear the course).
16. Finished, congratulations you have managed to install Windows 10 operating system on your PC or your computer: D.

   A few of my time this article on How to install windows via flash CD or DVD if anyone still confused can you ask through the comments field below, hopefully this article can be useful: D, Thank you for visiting, Budayakan scribble in the comments: D