Monday, April 3, 2017

Specifications Samsung S8 With Flexible Screen

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Specifications Samsung S8 With Flexible Screen

   May seem strange yes, the Samsung Galaxy S7 recently released to the market. But the reality of rumors about Samsung's next-generation flagship smartphone has begun to circulate. Yes, Samsung Galaxy S8 which is the next generation of S7. Although the Galaxy S7 is still hotly discussed, some large foreign media has begun to speculate mengenasi Samsung Galaxy S7 ranging from the price, features, technical specifications as well as the official release date.
   If Seeing flagship Samsung smartphone hearts make Pattern Track Record, gadget market observer as to what has been predicted that smartphones will become the belle of the Year. Of course, all based Analysis Of Samsung gadgets previous series. Samsung certainly Wish enthusiast, will there A surprise than Just a smart phone. Some of the features Yang predicted would be present in the Galaxy series S7 Turns Still Absent.
   Obviously we will have many who expect all the features promised to be present in the Galaxy S8. Like what concepts that may be carried Galaxy S8 later ?. Well, this time Gaptequ have summarized some Samsung Galaxy S8 related information ranging from pricing, technical specifications, features and official release date.

This She Several Advantages Of The Samsung Galaxy S8 :

1. Screen More Sharp
   The first thing that is expected of genererasi next Samsung smartphone is a sharper display. Currently, Samsung galaxy S7 using technology Super AMOLED screen with qHD resolution comparable.
   Many have speculated, if the Samsung Galaxy S8 will use a sharper screen with higher resolution. When referring to competition from rival vendors, there is likely Samsung will use a screen with a resolution of 4K.
   Although it is invisible, the two kinds of screens have no significant difference. The human eye can be hard to distinguish the screen with high resolution especially those with high pixel density.

2. Camera Home Better
   Galaxy S7 has a primary camera which is better than the previous generation. Despite having a lower resolution, but the ability of the shooting becomes more stable.
   Of course, all supported by hardware and software which have better performance. Because the resolution is not everything, a higher resolution does not guarantee better image quality.
As with the front camera, the Galaxy S7 has a front camera with a resolution of 5MP. That was the standard features and capabilities.
   Going forward, enthusiast Samsung hopes will be an improvement in terms of front camera. As a larger resolution, LED flash support and the ability of optical image stabilization.

3. Internal Memory Size
   If the Samsung Galaxy S7 has an internal memory of 32 GB and 64 GB, then to the Galaxy S8 is expected to provide a more spacious room.
   Although an external memory slot is provided, but it's too stingy if need for space with the operating system.
   Samsung is known to have a strong instinct about user expectations about his new gadget. But it turns out a little bit stingy with internal storage media offered.
   At least, Samsung could as neighboring vendor that offers up to 128 GB of internal memory. Of course, without the need to eliminate the external memory slot.

4. Batteries Lasting Longer
   This is not a problem that the battery capacity into a resource. But rather the ability of the gadgets in the resource efficiency of the battery. Although the Galaxy S7 undergone significant changes in terms of battery performance, but the smartphone can only last a day of normal use.
   As there is no difference between a smartphone entry level and premium class. Which require recharging and survive long enough with the average time which is not much different. Users expect to be able to have a smartphone that can last at least for two days. With a shorter charging, but the 'lifetime' battery is longer. Is that possible?. If you look at the progress of technological gadgets, it is getting closer to reality. And many users expect, they appear on the Galaxy S8.

5. Connector USB Type-C
    As predicted earlier, the Galaxy S7 would likely carry a more complete connectivity. One is the physical connectivity that supports a reversible USB Type-C connector. But it turns out, Samsung is still using legacy connector.
   It is not a significant shortfall. Because the replenishment process has been supporting the Quick Charga. However, for the data connection using a cable, Samsung lagged a step behind. Moreover, in terms of design, micro USB only supports the position of one side only, must not be reversed. While USB Type-C can be inverted, quite easy, especially when his was in a hurry. Many users expect. USB Type-C can be adopted by the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S8.

6. The presence of Iris Scanners and Other New Features
   Iris scanner technology has been a rumor for a long time, and are expected to be present in the Galaxy S7. In fact, the technology is not yet fully ready. It is then expected to perform in the next generation of Samsung smartphone. Or maybe there are other innovations are also expected to be present in Samsung's smartphone. We look forward to its development. Also updates on other features such as flexible screens, the ability of the built-in projector, or perhaps other features unexpected.

Prediction Samsung Galaxy S8 :
   If you look at the competition, Samsung seems to be a bit generous by lowering the price tag. Currently, the country's bamboo curtain made smartphone are becoming more sophisticated. It even offers features that are nearly balanced with premium class smartphone. For high-end smartphone with similar specifications, vendors from China offer price baderol far enough. Even up to half the price, using the same hardware. To that end, the price of Samsung Galaxy S8 is expected to be in the range of US$ 600.

Release Date Samsung Galaxy S8 :
   It is too early to guess when this gadget will start shipping. But if you look at the pattern Samsung's track record, the date of this release can be expected. When referring to the earlier launch of its flagship smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy S8 will be available from the first quarter of 2017. Based on observations in major media in the outcome there, the release date of the Galaxy S8 kan Area is February 27th until March 2nd, 2017.
   Are these guesses will be right or slip away? We do not know, this is all just rumor. This information is summarized from various sources with reference to the existence and credibility of the source in question. And every new rumor, which is still far from official information. Neither specification nor the price of Samsung Galaxy S8, all merely guesses. Because Samsung's own party has not leakage, seepage of the gadgets in the future.

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